Why Different Types of Medical Care Practices Need Different Design

Why Different Types of Medical Care Practices Need Different Design

January 03, 2025 - Arminco Inc.

Research published by the Library of Medicine shows that your facility environment is an important part of patient satisfaction. In other words, the aesthetic and layout of your medical care practice need to make a positive impression to help you maintain patients.

As a medical facility design firm, there's one thing we can tell you: there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Different types of medical care practices benefit from different design features.

Why is that the case? Read on as we share our quick guide to the design differences you'll see based on medical practice types.

Front Desk and Waiting Room Design

The first impression begins with your front desk and waiting room. How you set up these key areas should reflect the patients you're serving and the services you provide.

For example, urgent care centers should offer ample seating to accommodate fluctuating numbers of visitors. Boutique dentist offices and specialized care centers can offer a smaller, more intimate waiting room for appointment-only visitors. 

Patient-Centered Interior Design Choices

Beyond size and flow, your interior design choices should create comfort for your patients. When you're making choices, take into account things like patient:

  • Age
  • Health
  • Income

For example, a pediatric dentist office should be inviting for children. That includes areas to play while waiting for services, bright colors, and child-safe design. On the other hand, a care center for patients with chronic illness should prioritize patient comfort and relaxation. 

Office Flow

The beauty of designing a new medical office is that you can prioritize quality medical care in every decision. This includes creating a floor plan that makes intuitive sense to your staff and patients.

For types of medical care practices that focus on a single type of care (such as dentistry), an open or modular floor plan is perfectly suitable. What if you're offering multiple types of care in one building? In that case, you may need to create multiple waiting areas and wings to make navigation simple. 

Integration of Technology

It's no secret that medical technology is changing rapidly. According to Harvard Health, we can expect more and more of our healthcare needs to be met with the help of technology in the coming years. 

As a result, medical design trends need to reflect the specific technology each office holds. This includes everything from the digital check-in kiosks to your technology-driven patient chairs and beds.

Get the Right Design for Different Types of Medical Care Practices 

Your office environment will make a huge impact on how your patients feel about their visit. When you're looking for the right design and construction firm, never hire a company that takes a one-size-fits-all approach. At Arminco Inc., we understand that different types of medical care practices require different designs.

Established in 2005, Arminco Inc. is one of the DC area's most experienced medical design and construction firms. Rather than outsourcing, we've built a complete team of highly skilled architects, designers, and site foremen to create a beautiful, cohesive facility. Contact us to get started today.

#types of medical care practices

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