Jan 31, 2025
January 10, 2025 - Arminco Inc.
When was the last time you went to the dentist? According to the CDC, roughly 62% of adults visit the dentist in the average calendar year. That number comes and goes, but one thing is certain: all dentists want that number to go up.
If you're looking to be a top dental practice, then staying competitive with modern dental designs is important. But what dental office trends are worth following, and why should design matter?
We're here to offer a quick overview of innovative dental practices and how to offer the best experience. Here's what's new in designing a top dental practice.
Having creative dental interiors is more than just vanity. Studies show that the right design has positive emotional and mental effects on patients.
According to the National Library for Medicine, design as a health practice focuses on a healthy environment, providing the proper care, and more. Put simply, the design of your office serves as another tool to help your patients' health.
A classic design choice that you can't go wrong with is a friendly, warm environment. That means designing your practice in a family-friendly way that caters to all ages and demographics.
An upscale practice is nice, but it can feel uninviting. Using things like warm colors, paintings that depict natural environments, and other design philosophies will make your clients feel more welcome.
One way to provide a friendly environment is with entertainment in your decor. Things like aquariums, televisions, and bookshelves give your clients something to pass the time while also serving as decor. Consider adding:
These items will ensure your clients feel welcome even during lengthy waits.
Minimalism is another of the many cutting-edge dental concepts. Minimalism involves keeping your decor and furniture as sleek and stripped-back as possible.
That doesn't mean you should remove amenities. Rather, just do your best not to over-decorate.
Minimalism can give an office a more sterile feel. It also will help your patients to focus on their health and visit rather than being distracted by televisions.
Open plans are something that's great for the top dental practices. An open plan ensures your team can move freely and easily communicate.
Your patients will also enjoy having the extra room. Walking down cramped hallways can feel isolating and claustrophobic. An open floor plan replaces that experience with a comfortable environment.
No matter what you choose, there are countless options for the top dental design choices. Pick what most suits your needs and desires, as well as what fits into the environment you're crafting.
At Arminco Inc, we've been in business since 1996 providing North American medical offices with the equipment they need. Our family company has grown to have dozens of passionate experts in our field dedicated to providing you with the care you need. Browse our design & architecture section to see how we can help you craft the best dental practice.