Jan 31, 2025
September 11, 2020 - Arminco inc.
The need for new medical clinics and offices cannot be overstated. The number of available of vacant medical offices available to rent has fallen, year after year, since 2011. The number of new medical office constructions has skyrocketed as a result, yet the construction industry cannot keep up with the rising demand.
All of this was before Coronavirus, which has greatly inflamed the situation. The number of vacant medical clinics and offices is currently 90 points below what it should be.
Medical clinics and offices need to be up-to-date more so than nearly any other industry. You need the latest equipment and tools, for one thing. You also need to help your patients feel at ease and able to put their trust in you and your medical staff.
Here are some tips for contemporary office design for medical clinics to help you get the latest, most cutting-edge office imaginable.
The first step in designing a contemporary office design for the medical industry is to incorporate as much natural light as possible into your design. Your patients are likely going to be feeling nervous and anxious when they're coming to you. A gloomy, claustrophobic interior won't do much to help alleviate their fears.
On top of this, sunlight is a natural curative. It helps get your patients into a healthful, optimistic, relaxed frame of mind before they meet you. This will help you have a productive, positive appointment.
Medical clinics are strapped for space at the best of times. This is going to be exponentially more pronounced as a result of Coronavirus/COVID-19. When you're designing a contemporary office design for today's medical industry, you need to use your space as efficiently as possible.
This goes for everything from nurse's stations to hospital beds, if you have any. It also goes for less-obvious areas like equipment storage and computer rooms. With real estate being so expensive, it's important to make every square inch of your office design count.
No one likes going to the doctor. It's stressful and anxiety-inducing at the best of times. It's enough to elicit a panic attack during a pandemic, though, which runs the risk of making your medical clinic counter-intuitive for those in search of medical aid.
When you're coming up with contemporary office design ideas, it's a good idea to take some time and research current tastes and trends in professional office design concepts. Don't restrict your research to the medical industry, either.
In the best case scenario, your patients will forget they're in a medical office. That means that both you and your design and construction team are doing your jobs efficiently.
Take some time to browse recent interior design and contemporary office decor publications. Pay special attention to color pallets and materials that are currently en vogue. The last thing you want is for your practice to look like something out of the 1980s.
Investing time, money, energy, and resources into designing your medical clinic will help both you and your customers. Your practice will flourish while your patients are able to feel relaxed and focus on getting, and staying, healthy.
The construction industry has grown and changed so much in the 21st Century it's nearly unrecognizable. There are so many tools available, so many trends to keep up with. You need a trusted partner to help bring your vision to life in keeping with the latest design trends.
If you're looking for contemporary office design, contact us today to schedule an appointment or consultation!