ARMINCO Inc. Launches a New Episode - Ryan Rushe; Prudential

ARMINCO Inc. Launches a New Episode - Ryan Rushe; Prudential

May 09, 2020 - Arminco Inc.

Many dental practices are opening their doors again but what impact did COVID-19 have financially both personal and in business? Ryan outlined several opportunities for dentists to review that can provide benefits. Taking a look at the current budget and cash flow, Business Liability, Workers Comp, Dental Professional Liability, etc...

If you'd like to submit your questions and interact with our podcast, please email us at:

If you missed our previous episode, make sure to download it directly from our website at

The Synergy Practices Dental Podcast can also be found on both Apple and Android Podcast platforms.

If you would like to join our private Facebook group we mentioned on the podcast, please click the link below:

Synergy Practices Facebook Group powered by Arminco Inc

The goal of our Synergy Practices forum group is to provide a platform specifically for Dentists to be able to discuss industry trends, bounce ideas off one another and even network. We would love for you to invite your dental colleagues so they can join in on the action. As we continue to grow, we hope this will be a resource for all your dental questions!

Image by Artem Beliaikin from Pixabay

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Sterling, VA 20166

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